What norms do team-based leadership development event teams use to create a culture of success?

The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify norms and culture of teams who qualified for competition in team-based Leadership Development Events (LDEs) at the 2020 [State] State Virtual LDEs. We extrapolated differences in team norms and culture from the Agricultural Issues Forum, Parliamentary Procedure, and Conduct of Chapter Meetings (CCM) from interviews with the advisors of the teams. We conducted interviews via phone, voice recorded, and transcribed them for analysis. We open coded interviews in a meaning making process. From the interview data, we determined teams whose norms were student driven, Agricultural Issues Forum teams, had more of a team development experience, had more buy-in and experienced more elements of cooperation. Teams with advisor-driven norms, Parliamentary Procedure and CCM teams, were more focused on the competition and winning; in addition, individual accountability was a common theme. Accountability, cooperation, dedication, focus, and resilience emerged as themes in team culture. This information can be used to assist FFA chapter advisors in preparing their students and structuring team development plans to assist students in developing team-related employability skills.

The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify norms and culture of teams who qualified for competition in team-based Leadership Development Events (LDEs) at the 2020 [State] State Virtual LDEs. We extrapolated differences in team norms and culture from the Agricultural Issues Forum, Parliamentary Procedure, and Conduct of Chapter Meetings (CCM) from interviews with the advisors of the teams. We conducted interviews via phone, voice recorded, and transcribed them for analysis. We open coded interviews in a meaning making process. From the interview data, we determined teams whose norms were student driven, Agricultural Issues Forum teams, had more of a team development experience, had more buy-in and experienced more elements of cooperation. Teams with advisor-driven norms, Parliamentary Procedure and CCM teams, were more focused on the competition and winning; in addition, individual accountability was a common theme. Accountability, cooperation, dedication, focus, and resilience emerged as themes in team culture. This information can be used to assist FFA chapter advisors in preparing their students and structuring team development plans to assist students in developing team-related employability skills. Leer más