Oxide thin-film transistor (TFT) technology is fast and well developed since its first invention, where it is now widely used in flat panel displays. Scaling down the size of oxide TFT to the nanometer regime brings benefits such as higher density integration, faster switching speed and lower operating voltage. This miniaturization allows for very small pixel sizes, crucial for active-matrix micro light-emitting diode displays, and in particular, holographic displays. With the development of submicron manufacturing technologies for oxide TFTs, we will witness new, high-performance applications emerging. In this review paper, most of the commonly used TFT device structures at the nanoscale will be introduced, including the lateral and vertical architectures. Then, selected applications utilizing oxide nanoscale TFTs will be presented. Challenges in scaling down, including reliability, short channel effects and high contact resistance, will be presented along with possible solutions. Oxide thin-film transistor (TFT) technology is fast and well developed since its first invention, where it is now widely used in flat panel displays. Scaling down the size of oxide TFT to the nanometer regime brings benefits such as higher density integration, faster switching speed and lower operating voltage. This miniaturization allows for very small pixel sizes, crucial for active-matrix micro light-emitting diode displays, and in particular, holographic displays. With the development of submicron manufacturing technologies for oxide TFTs, we will witness new, high-performance applications emerging. In this review paper, most of the commonly used TFT device structures at the nanoscale will be introduced, including the lateral and vertical architectures. Then, selected applications utilizing oxide nanoscale TFTs will be presented. Challenges in scaling down, including reliability, short channel effects and high contact resistance, will be presented along with possible solutions. Leer más